Environmental protection at the heart of our commitment
For Casillo Group, environmental protection is a fundamental principle. Our work originates from nature, which is why we are committed to safeguarding it and respecting the people who work in the various areas where we operate. The short supply chain, energy savings within the plants and attention to waste are some of the tools we use to fulfil our commitment.
For Casillo Group, environmental protection is a fundamental principle. Our work originates from nature, which is why we are committed to safeguarding it and respecting the people who work in the various areas where we operate. The short supply chain, energy savings within the plants and attention to waste are some of the tools we use to fulfil our commitment.

For us, being sustainable means first of all preventing and minimising the impacts of our processes and products on the environment, which is why we have created programmes and initiatives intended to ensure a gradual reduction of environmental impacts and improvement efficiency in the use of resources. We are convinced that recognising the close relationship between the economy and the environment is fundamental for an authentic sustainable development. It is a two-way interaction: the way the environment is managed impacts the environment and environmental quality impacts economic results.

Since 2008, the Casillo Group has committed energy and investments to research activities intended to identify solutions for generating electricity through “renewable systems” to facilitate the reduction of electricity supply costs, which increasingly affect the company’s overall turnover. The complexity of the research work and the high level of skill required to control the results achieved, prompted the Casillo Group to set up a new Business Unit solely dedicated to managing all the issues related to ongoing and future projects.